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Ummm... hi. I'm Art. I made this!

Instead of autobiographical info, how 'bout some neato character profiles?!

The History of Smalltown

Smalltown originated here. There is also a "prequel."

Now you know all there is to know, and knowing is half the battle!

Others Involved in the Creation of Smalltown
Special thanks to Lorac for writing. Also, thanks to GinRyu for site-design.

Email Me!
Click Here to E-Mail Art

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I need to point out that Smalltown and all related characters are the property and copyright of Jacob Rougemont and Chris Reichert. Also, a majority of the t-shirts shown on the various characters in the strip feature characters that are the property and trademarks of their respective owners. Just, y'know, so I don't get sued....the reason the t-shirts are there are because we love the various things that are shown on the shirts. Also, Mario Kart and all related characters are the property & trademark of Nintendo.