Information about the links or groups of links shown below.
Below are some sites that are, for the most part, either related to comic books or comics on the web. Other sites may be indexes or sites of affiliates. Still others may be related to other types of animated or serial-print entertainment. Enjoy! If any of the links are broken, please report them.
The creators and operators of this site are not responsible for the content on any site linked from ours. If you find anything linked from our site to be offensive, please take it up with the proprietor of the offensive material.
Affiliated Sites
Marvel Villains Lounge
Welcome Fans of Marvel's Dark Side!!
Marvel Heroes' Hangout
Welcome Various Marvel Hero Fans!!!!!
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Fan Page
As seen in Wizard: The Comics Magazine's DotComics!
Some of Art's Favorite Sites
Penny Arcade!
A great internet comic if there ever was one!! Trust me...this is THE site!!!
Avengers Assemble
A way-better Avengers page than mine. It has some great images and news on the team.
Alvaros' Comic Boards
THE place to be to chat with various comic-loving fanboys!
Marvel Trading Card Palace
My former trading card site now run by Jimcomics!
Chock full of Marvel goodness!
The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
Snood's site that has profiles for nearly every second-tier and third-rate Marvel character made! No Spidey & Wolvie here!
The All-Time Roll Call for the Avengers: Micro-Heroes
A great site with an extensive roster, all in MICRO-HEROES!! If you like the ones I have, check out those plus more!
Contains 2
A humorous website.
A funny, popular website. Check out the Strong Bad E-Mails